Women & Healing in US History, 1600-1865

A history of race, gender, and power

Contents: About the Collection | Tech

About the Collection

This site is generated using CollectionBuilder-GH, a project to create a free and simple digital collection using GitHub Pages from:

This collection includes a series of manuals, books, journal and newspaper articles, photographs, prints, and lectures on the history and practices of midwives and female physicians, between roughly 1700 and 1865. Within these documents, discussions related to gender, race, and pregnancy appear, and some of these primary sources use antiquated, gendered, and racist language, especially when describing cases related to Black and enslaved women and midwives. Some sources also include in-depth descriptions of medical ailments related to pregnancy and fertility, surgical processes, and miscarriages and stillbirths. The goal of this collection is to allow students to practice primary source analysis andto become more familiar with using the digital huamnities and online archives.

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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